Tuesday 17 November 2015

Research on capitalism


An economic and political system in which as country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Capitalists are described as thinking rationally and practically. People consider them to 'work with the system'. This means capitalism people work by the laws that are already set in place as these are what they understand as 'practical'. On the other hand socialists think about the benefit of others. People tend to suggest that most capitalist views are from the upper to middle classes whereas socialists views are from the working class. 

Capitalists think about the economic system and private ownership. (The new debate on making the NHS privatised comes from capitalist opinions). Capitalists also think about producing goods and services for profit. Everything becomes privatised, this could include NHS services, education etc. 

Capitalism has existed under many forms of government at many different times, places and cultures. 

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