Tuesday 24 November 2015

Characterisation for The Price

- A female, around her 30's with a husband
- Worried about their financial situation
- Walking around the supermarket checking the details of prices
- Excited about saving money e.g Coupons
- Thinks about ways they can save money e.g Not buying glasses and getting her to read to him
- Wanting a child but cant afford one
- Undereducated type of person
- Easily distracted by better offers e.g Sleeping with the manager
- Careless about deviance e.g Buying a baby from a supermarket
- Annoyed about her husband wasting money
- Careless about what/who her baby is and more about how much it is

- The couple get annoyed with eachother when things dont go their way
- Female is more about the deals and cutting back however the man wants more for his money
- Open to an affair
- Careless about a baby and just wants the norm for a cheap price

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