Tuesday 17 November 2015

270 words of my existence

Born and raised in south London her entire life, Amber now lives as an aspiring actress. Her ambition to become successful started as a young child as she was inspired by her hard working family. She didn’t grow up with a lot however she is always grateful and has the drive to earn what she gets. She was always taught to never let anybody tell her no. During a family separation Amber grew up far quicker than the rest of her peers as decision making was key. Standing out from others, she became aware of handling difficult situations and moving on. As maturity settled in she began to dream big and as taught, she didn’t let anybody get in her way. Now studying to become an actress (inspired by her close mother) Amber also works in the fashion industry. Although her main focus is acting, she is also on the journey to discovering and learning new paths in life. These include fashion, beauty and art. By setting goals in life she is able to succeed. At a young age she has much to offer and much to yet experience. Her independence allows her to travel and gain experience in working and education. Having very few people she can rely on has taught her about morals and independence. “Being let down teaches you how to bring yourself back up, everything I do is now for myself.” Having strong opinions and wit about her allows her to progress through life. Currently she is content with life as everything she dreamt of for her age, she has got due to her own determination. 

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