Tuesday 10 November 2015



Labels is a solo performed show based on a true story of a character/actors upbringing and the challenges his faced with being labelled. A major political factor introduced during this piece was racism. The play allows the audience to reconsider the way we use words and the affects in which what we say can be offensive and deviant. Although unfortunately this social issue is brushed under the carpet, Labels is an interesting way on informing people. 

I found the performance was directed cleverly, keeping the audiences attention on the single standing actor. A Brecht technique of placards were incorporated frequently throughout the show, i found this affective as it was a representation of the amount of labels we have and give others on a day to day basis (some of these may be offensive). Labels is an honest representation of emotions people go through as an affect of an issue, however as the performance drew to a close the result was uplifting as the character finds happiness within the labels he had or perhaps was given. 

"Powerful, important and funny."

My opinion on the piece as a whole was positive as I believe it informed current issues by addressing a real life story however it wasn't disheartening. Comedic and interactive parts of the performance allowed me to feel comfortable approaching the matter and informed rather than blamed for being part of a society that tackles this matter. Amongst the deep topic of racism were smaller lessons such as being safe online and considering who we talk to. I found the performance relevant to a younger audience (much like ourselves) as it teaches the values of later life and allows us to make a changing approach to the way we say things. Overall an enlightening performance with great Brecht techniques to allow me to take things from the play into everyday life. 

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