Tuesday 1 December 2015

Indulge in the price layout


*Audience enter*
Game show feeling. Families come in groups of 4, Michael produces the 'austerity game show' and sorts the audience into plebs and bosses based on dice numbers. Audience will be contenders of the show. 
Actors sitting as audience in a group

*Indulge scene 1*

Queue for focus group entrance: 'no one asked you to work here' Clay runs off

*Focus group scene:*
On one side of the table, playing large essex character. 
Outfit: stilettos, tight skirts, placards, large red lipstick makeup  

*Indulge scene 2*
Queue for money throwing part: 'values'
Queue for prostitutes: 'prostitutes' 
Queue for touching: 'core values'

*Sin group adverts*
Daisy: competition is envy:
Argument 'im better' 'no im better' 'well im better because i have more money' 'ohhh fair enough'

*Indulge scene 3*
Consume march on queue: 'consume' 
Eating fake money

*The price scene 1*
My scene

*Gameshow monopoly*
Sitting in space making drum roll noises and 'ooooh' noises. 

*Policing fund scene*
When the victim begins to shout about her rape incident we go 'shhhh' 

*Apprentice scene*
Slowly walk up behind the table and laugh on queue. 

*Education scene*
Rowdy children who want better education

*End of gameshow* 

*The price scene 3*
Acting as isles and shelves holding food

*Disability scene*

Slowly walk into the space in neutral, stare at a space until the queue to look at the audience. Speak 270 word of existence and walk back and place flowers on table. 

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