Issues in society I am emotive towards:
- Child slavery
- Child trafficking
- Child soldiering
- Debts
- Sex trade
- Terrorism
- Sexism
- Ageism
- Offensive towards religions
- The right to education
- Poverty
- The tax system
- Child neglect
- Domestic violence
- Drug exploitation
- Bullying
- Women's rights
Turning these issues into protests:
- Marches
- Montage images
- Short scenes
- Banners
- Posters (e.g of statistics, real life imagery)
- Emotive language and actions
What did we choose and why?
My group decided to focus on the issue of 'Child Soldiering' which umbrellas other issues such as drug exploitation, death, child neglect, exploitation to sex, weapons, slavery and human rights. All of which are important social issues in which happen countries as close as the same continent we live in. We found when brainstorming ideas that this social issue in particularly is shadowed by other issues. Choosing this subject matter was relevant as it involves children younger than us and truly captures the neglect in which they are going through, however also the neglect in our day to day lives remembering this issue still goes on. Charities and organisations are becoming fewer whom deal with this issue, therefore we decided to seize to the opportunity of making this issue apparent and relevant to an audience that can consider the brutality of it (particularly when thinking about age).
We began to look at imagery as part of our research to reassure our selves we wanted to do this topic, Coming across this heartbreaking image had hit home for me in particular as it made me realise the harsh brutality of what happens within our society. During our further research we discovered more about the themes covering this topic such as neglect, injuries, and sex exploitation, As we did more research, more ideas about how we could convey this issue as affectively and realistically as possible.
What do we want to get across to the audience?
- Child neglect
- Young ages of children
- Sex exploitation
- Weapon exploitation
- Fear
- Bodily harm
What moments can we repeat?

Props and costume:
- Black lines of paint on face
- Water pistols X3
- Belt
- Bandanna's
- Red food dye/ink
- Placards with ages and names on
- Rope
- Posters of child soldiers
- Ripped white tshirt
- Fake blood
- Bed sheet
- Sack/blindfold X2
- Placards of age and 'Sex slave #1'
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